Does Exercise Remove Cellulite?

Cellulite is a skin condition that causes a bumpy and dimpled appearance on the subsurface of the skin. Generally affecting women, cellulite is usually found on the hips, thighs and buttocks, and sometimes on the stomach. Also, it can occur on overweight as well as healthy women. There are currently several methods of getting rid of cellulite, such as cellulite removal products and laser treatments. A highly recommended treatment method is exercise. So, how does an indirect method like exercise get rid of cellulite?

Why cellulite occurs in women more than men

Cellulite forms when the skin’s structural support begins to disintegrate and the fat cells push through it, creating the dimpled appearance. Cellulite is normally a female concern owing to the woman’s anatomy, which is chiefly about estrogen. Release of estrogen normally results to a buildup of fatty tissues. The reason why women are more prone to cellulite is that they have more fatty tissue than men and more prone to store fat in their hips, buttocks, and thighs.

Weight and cellulite

As mentioned, cellulite is mainly caused by a structural conformation beneath the skin. Since the issue is about the structure of the skin, it means that whether or not a woman is overweight, she is prone to getting cellulite. However, females who are obese will often have a more prominent cellulite development whereas women with less fat, particularly those with better muscular definition are less likely to have noticeable cellulite.

Is exercise effective in reducing cellulite?

Lost skin elasticity and imbalance of fat and muscle are two factors that contribute to cellulite. While losing fat is not the perfect cure to cellulite, it helps to reduce the overall amount of fat in the body and to adhere to a caloric-restricted eating plan to minimize some of the underlying fat. There are a lot of exercise regimens today that are touted as effective in eliminating cellulite. According to experts, exercise can reduce cellulite, specifically if it is done in conjunction with a healthy diet. To be most effective in eliminating cellulite, exercise has to be done progressively and extreme weight loss must be avoided.

Frequency and type of exercise

Those who want to reduce the amount of cellulite are advised to carry out an aerobic regimen of at least three to five times a week for at least 20 minutes to an hour. This will help in generating a suitable caloric deficit. The recommended types of exercise that can help remove cellulite include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, elliptical training, and aerobic dance. Resistance programs are also recommended as they can strengthen the top of the muscle and prevent it from becoming weak and flaccid, which contributes to cellulite.

Dealing with cellulite can be a bothersome task. But incorporating healthy habits into the daily routine makes it possible to get positive results when it comes to the issue of getting rid of cellulite. The important thing to remember is that living healthy has a lot of benefits both in the elimination of cellulite as well as in overall health in general.

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